POP Marketing Blog and News

Planning Your Holiday Marketing
Holiday Marketing

Time for Planning Your Holiday Marketing

Believe it or not, it’s time to start planning your holiday marketing. I know. I know. But this isn’t just another example of Christmas Creep. Unlike decorating or putting your Holiday Mix on repeat, holiday marketing is not something you can do over the weekend or with the flip of a switch. It

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Using AI in Marketing isn't a question of yes or no, but how.
AI, Blogging, Branding, Content Generation, Marketing mistake

Should You Be Using AI in Marketing?

I’ve been blogging about marketing for a few years now, and it’s about time I address the 2000-lb robot elephant in the room Using AI in marketing for your small business. The two schools of thought we hear about regarding AI are that A) it will take all of our jobs and make us

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7 questions to ask before buying a website

7 Essential Questions to Ask Before Buying a Website

What are the essential questions to ask before buying a website? My recent home life has required dealing with multiple home contractors. Many of you are already feeling sympathy for me because of your own experience. While there are ethical and talented contractors, the low barrier to entry also

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shaking hands near matchmaker sign symblising marketing to ideal customers
2QC, Branding, Building a Business

Marketing to Ideal Clients

How do you go about marketing to ideal clients? I recently had a conversation with a close friend. She’s been a business owner for decades, but her business has shifted its focus over time. One throughline has been helping people through one-on-one appointments. Recently, she found that people

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Content Generation, Guest Blog

Jenn Read on Content Writing

How to Slay the Five Dragons of Content Writing The following blog about content writing is written by guest blogger, SEO master, content queen, and colleague Jenn Read of Solyndria Creative. The audience for it is marketers like me and the people we hire who write content for a living, but many of

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Hero Icon adding word "website" t note so it reads " find your website's purpose.

Understanding A Website’s Purpose

Do you know your website’s purpose? I spend a lot of my time on the Internet. Though I do some print-based or other writing, most of my work is social media and website marketing. When I’m not writing for the web, I’m researching on it.  I research my clients’ fields. I

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2QC, Building a Business, Marketing

Why Use Professional Marketing?

Why Use Professional Marketing for Your Business?  There was a time when you could sell your business or product by going out and speaking directly to the people or companies that needed it. True, not everyone wanted to speak to a salesperson, but it was a valid way to make a living. 

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POP hero under rainbow with clovers in background
Blogging, Branding, Social Media

Telling Your Story: Tips from a Saint

Telling your story is kind of my thing. In my previous life, I was a sketch comedian. I performed improv comedy and wrote and performed sketch comedy. It was fun and creative but not very lucrative.  But this isn’t my story. It’s Saint Patrick’s. Well, kind of. And that’s

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POP mascot flying over Roanoke
Content Generation, Holiday Marketing, Social Media

Social Media Marketing Brings the Woo

Happy Valentine’s Day, Roanoke! Social Media Marketing is bringing the woo.  Relationships are all about good communication and give and take. That’s as true for your personal relationships as your business ones. A good relationship with your client benefits both of you.  But

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New Year's Marketing

New Year’s Marketing for your business

Lines are powerful, particularly in time. The idea of a fresh start is so appealing that every December 31, people commit to how the next year will be different from the one before despite the delineation between the two being entirely artificial. So how can you use New Year’s marketing? 

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