POP Marketing Blog and News

Watch for These Marketing Red Flags
Relationship Building

Marketing Red Flags & Dirty Sales Tricks

Don't let someone pressure you into a product or service you don't need. Watch out for these marketing red flags.

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Value branding image

Brand Value and Brand Values

Brand values inform your brand and your brand's value. Being clear on your brand helps you attract customers who will value you.

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Screen with hand on it getting ready to use search engine

What is SEO & How to Make SEO Easy

If you can hire a marketer you should. But if you're not there yet, here is what you need to know to make SEO easy for your site.

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Relationship Building, Repeat Customers, Social Media

Relationship Marketing – Creating Repeat Customers

Lets talk about making relationships last - with your clients. Social marketing is all about relationship building and that creates repeat

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Does Accurate Marketing Matter? Yes!

Why is accurate marketing that is up to date important for your business? Have you ever gone out of your way to go somewhere only to find it wasn't what you expected?

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Marketing, Marketing Offer, POPstart, Social Media

The POPstart Affordable Marketing Offer

New businesses need marketing. But how do you market before you have customers? The Popstart Affordable Marketing offer can help.

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Holiday Marketing, Marketing, Social Media

Holiday Marketing: Thanksgiving & Beyond

November is my favorite month of the year. I have both personal and general reasons. The weather is perfect. It includes my favorite meal of the year. And it’s the month I got married. November also ushers in the winter holidays and happens to have my favorite one. What does that have to with

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3 Tales of a Small Business Marketing Mistake

A Small Business Marketing Mistake Can Be Scary… Seeing as how we’re in spooky season, this month POP is doing something a little different with our blog. What follows are three cautionary tales of a scary small business marketing mistake.  Marketing is tough work, particularly when

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Struggling to blog (blogging helps your business)
Blogging, Marketing

4 Ways Blogging Helps Your Business

Blogging well takes time. Professional blogs take money. Is it worth it? You may have found yourself asking if blogging helps your

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2QC, Marketing, Social Media

The 2QC Marketing Formula

What is POP’s 2QC Marketing Formula? When I first starting writing for people, I asked my friends and customers about their experiences with other marketing companies. I wanted to know what they had liked and what they hadn’t. I was trying to create a winning and effective marketing formula.

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