POP Marketing Blog and News

Content Generation
2QC, Content Generation, Social Media

Content Generation: Starting is Hard

The late great Tom Petty said, “the waiting is the hardest part.” Living legend Stephen King says it’s the moment before you start. But maybe they’re both right because if you look at the spirit beyond the wordsmiths’ prose, it can sometimes mean the same thing, at

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POP is grateful
Gratitude, Holiday Marketing

What I’m Grateful for This Year

In November, POP dedicates a blog to being grateful. Here's what we appreciate for our business and community.

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Pit Bulls Have a Marketing Problem
Branding, Marketing mistake

Pit Bulls, Your Marketing Problem, Truth, & the Problem with Personal Experience

Put Bulls have a marketing problem. If you're not telling your company's story, you do too.

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Holiday Marketing
Holiday Marketing, Marketing, Marketing mistake, Marketing Offer

Holiday Marketing – Avoiding the Dangers

Holiday marketing can feel like a lot of pressure. But with a plan it doesn't need to be.

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Building a Business, Google

Google Business Profile: #1 Marketing Tool

Google Business Profile isn't very social. So why is it social media & why does it

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Fake Movie Preview with POP logo about Growing a Business
Building a Business, Marketing

Growing A Business – Growing Pains

Growing a business takes risks. But you can't postpone growth because you're not big

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The 3 Essential Website Needs

Your website is your intro to clients. You only get what chance. Here are the 3 items your website needs most.

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Watch for These Marketing Red Flags
Relationship Building

Marketing Red Flags & Dirty Sales Tricks

Don't let someone pressure you into a product or service you don't need. Watch out for these marketing red flags.

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Value branding image

Brand Value and Brand Values

Brand values inform your brand and your brand's value. Being clear on your brand helps you attract customers who will value you.

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Screen with hand on it getting ready to use search engine

What is SEO & How to Make SEO Easy

If you can hire a marketer you should. But if you're not there yet, here is what you need to know to make SEO easy for your site.

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